This week we are discussing two very important factors you should keep an eye out for when comparing hemp supplements: water-dispersibility and bioavailability. These two factors, which can separate a ...
Over the last few months, we have discussed the cannabinoids in hemp and showcased the effects of CBD. This week we are turning our attention to Cannabigerol (canna-bi-gerahl), better known ...
Throughout the centuries, and more so in the last few decades, scientific research and evidence have led us to realize that botanicals can either be toxic or be greatly beneficial ...
Now that we are more familiar with the endocannabinoid system, let’s focus on some of the compounds that activate this system and, as of late, have gained a lot of ...
Now that we are more familiar with the endocannabinoid system, let’s focus on some of the compounds that activate this system and, as of late, have gained a lot of ...
Last week’s post was very science heavy, but the ECS is an incredible system and we want to make sure we do it justice. The main take-away regarding the overall ...
In Part 1 of Discovery of CBD, THC, and the ECS, we left off with the discovery that all mammals have receptors in the brain that respond to compounds from ...
In our previous post, we discussed the differences between marijuana and hemp. This time we are going to dive into the history behind the discoveries of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol ...
Right now, and for the past year at least, there has been so much written, tweeted, and publicly discussed about CBD, THC, hemp and marijuana. So much so that even ...